One of the most important things to recognise with writing is that there is no exact formula for it. Each person is unique therefore the methods each writer uses to work is a combination of their individual inspiration, lifestyle, motivation, experiences, social network, decisions and so on. Not only do we differ in these areas, but we differ in our ability to understand, we each grow from our experiences at different rates. I may see a painting at the exact moment the person next to me does, but the way we interpret and understand it will differ greatly. They may make connections within the painting that I may have yet to believe even exist. Not only that but we bounce off one another. I will mention one thought regarding the painting to which they will respond with another, thus we have both heard a new piece of information to add to our own which will once again evolve our thoughts. Heard of the phrase “a fresh set of eyes”?

Our thoughts are never still even when we believe they are. Every second something around you will influence those thoughts, thus my belief that there are no original ideas, merely a combination of thoughts that individual has linked together to present in an evolved perspective. In a way the unique perspective you have is made up of the words of an infinite number of people beneath the surface, but it is you who has found the connection between them. Most important of all, it is you who has shared them.